Hump Day Booty Move: Glider Lunge Combo

Using gliders can turn a simple body weight exercise into a challenge! You can even use a paper plate or a towel on a smooth surface to try this movement if you don't have gliders specifically. These movements target the inner thigh and hips more than your standard lunge, so add this exercise to your Leg Day to hit EVERY part of your better half ;)

Flow between the curtsy lunge and lateral lunge for 10-15 reps for 3-5 sets per side.

Notes on form:
- Curtsy lunge: glide leg diagonally back behind you and bend both knees to 90 degree angles.
- Be sure not to tuck your back knee underneath your front knee. The back knee should end directly under your hip, 1 inch off the floor.
- Lateral lunge: glide leg perpendicular to the direction you're facing.
- Gliding leg stays completely straight. Standing leg bends to 90 degree angle.
- Keep core pulled extra tight when you glide your foot in from your lateral lunge.

B Strong,

Cassie B.