This movement works your strength, stability and power in your entire lower body! Try incorporating this as an interval in a HIIT workout.
Try a Tabata HIIT drill with this movement as a finisher for Leg Day. Ouch! #ItHurtsSoGood Breakdown of movement: - Right foot steps front to lunge. - Drive right foot up again to step back to lunge. - Jump and switch foot position so right leg is in front.
Right foot steps front to lunge, drive right foot back off floor and step back to lunge, then jump and switch so right foot is forward again. Left foot steps front to lunge, drive left foot back off floor and step back to lunge, then jump and switch so left foot is forward again.
Share how you incorporate this movement into your workout on Instagram/Twitter @cassiebstrong #BStrong.
B Strong,
Cassie B.