A lot of people spend a lot of time and money on products that promise a better body and a healthier life. Recently, Mom and I were talking about what we called “The Food, Mood Connection”. Too often we eat/drink in reaction to how we feel. When, in fact, how we feel is our body’s reaction to what we just ate/drank. This simple change in mindset could solve the problems that a cookie cutter fad diet can't, and lead you and your unique body to the success you seek.
Momma B Well Says:
Instead of getting discouraged that the latest diet fad isn't working for you, focus on eating whole, nutritious foods that will work for your body. Observe how your body responds to the foods you feed it. Scan your body 30 minutes after eating. What are you feeling?
“Choose your food, choose your mood.”
Try focusing on:
1. Constipation/IBS
2. Headache/Body Aches & Discomfort
3. Mood Swings
4. Energy Level
Awareness of what foods negatively impact your body, your energy and your mood will help you make the better choices that define your unique, healthy lifestyle!