Have you ever suffered through a detox experience and wondered how it's suppose to be "good for you"? Many years ago I tried a detox. All you could consume was broth for an entire weekend. Needless to say it didn't go well. I didn't make it through one day... I thought I would die. My legs were weak, I had an awful headache and I was what I'm told they call "hangry"!
Now that I focus on eating whole foods, I've created a more balanced lifestyle. I know now that by eating whole foods everyday, I'm also detoxing everyday. When people describe the benefits of a detox, it sounds like it's practical and necessary for our health... but, the thing is, our liver and kidneys are designed to provide all those benefits on a daily basis - that's their function! Think of yourself as their supervisor - it's your responsibility to feed your body the foods that help your kidneys and liver function most efficiently and effectively. Rather than suffering through a cleanse once or twice a year, focusing more on how you're treating your body every day will have a more positive, lasting impact. Be mindful of the foods you eat, the cosmetics you use, and the cleaning products you have in your home. Avoid exposing your body to toxins as much as possible, that way your detoxing organs don't get overloaded and fall behind.
If you believe you may/know you have any food sensitivities, I recommend The Elimination Diet. Several of my clients have found it helpful with identifying foods they were sensitive to and felt better once they began avoiding them. For specific details and in depth guidance, click on the link above, but basically, you start by eliminating common food sensitivities like: gluten, corn, soy, sugar and eggs. After not eating them for 21-30 days, you'll start to add them back into your diet one at a time and focus on how you feel. If you choose to use this process, be sure to eat whole, nutritious foods, eat lots of vegetables and enjoy some fruit too, and drink plenty of water. Doing those things will naturally help your body detox.
If The Elimination Diet sounds too overwhelming, I encourage clients to commit to a whole foods diet. For 21-30 days, eliminate all processed foods that come in packages or boxes, and avoid eating out at restaurants. Focus on eating vegetables, fruits, grass fed, lean proteins & whole grains. To improve the detox, try adding cleansing foods into your diet like water with lemon, bitter greens, ginger and broccoli.
Still feeling confused or overwhelmed by the thought of kicking off the healthy lifestyle you imagine living? Let me help you! Contact me today for a free Wellness Consultation 207-320-5070 or simplymindbodyhealth@gmail.com.
B Well,
Momma B.