B Strong Greatest HIITs: More Planks & Plyos!

This is definitely one of the more challenging drills of my Planks & Plyos series!! Get ready to get sweaty!

Here's the drill:
- 45sec of work; 15sec of rest
- Alternate between A & B until you complete 2-4 rounds of each series
A. 1 Tuck Jump + 3 Switch Hops
B. Breakdancers
[In the video I demo all 3 levels in order: L1: Alternating side planks; L2: Alternating side plank w/ kick through; L3: Hopping alternating side planks w/ kick through]

[Tuck Jump]
- Stay light on your feet
- When you jump, crunch your knees toward your chest & pull your abs super tight, then land softly with your knees bent to minimize the impact on your joints
[Switch Hops]
- Stay on your toes
- If you were standing on a clock, your feet begin at 3 & 9
- Keeping your feet slightly wider than hip width, hop them to 12 & 6, then right back to 3 & 9. That's 1 switch hop
- Alternate the foot that goes to 12 w/ every rep
- Keep your neck long & lats engaged by broadening your collar bones & pulling your shoulders down away from your ears
- It's super important to maintain that lat engagement & avoid shrugging your shoulders when you're balancing on 1 arm
- Keep your pelvis neutral by tightening your abs & squeezing your glutes together to avoid letting your lower back arch
- It's super important to keep your pelvis neutral if you're doing the kick through so that you don't strain your hip flexor and/or tweak your back

Are you ready for this challenge?! Tell me how boss you feel when you finish on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.