My whole life changed when I went from eating a Standard American Diet (SAD) to eating a Whole Foods Diet (WFD). The transition wasn’t easy. The road was long and often difficult, but now that I’m enjoying the benefits of eating a WFD I can never see myself falling back into my old habits. There was a time when I thought my daily headaches, chronic migraines and feeling crappy all the time was my “normal” and completely out of my control. Thankfully, I learned that it wasn’t normal and that I was living with a lot of unnecessary chronic pain because I told myself that eating real, whole foods was both too challenging and hardly satisfying.
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Sugar, refined grains and processed foods are a huge part of the SAD. Sugar is a major culprit in the development of many chronic diseases. It causes elevated insulin levels, excess body fat around the waist, abnormal cholesterol levels and obesity. What’s worse is that it can be difficult to avoid sugar, even when you’re genuinely trying, because it goes by many different names. One you may recognize is High Fructose Corn syrup (HFC), and it can be found in just about everything these days because it’s cheap to produce. The issue is, HFC can only be metabolized by the liver, which causes a lot of serious health issues and can lead to metabolic syndrome. No matter how great the packing may make you believe the food is, anything that’s made with cheap ingredients like HFC has lost most of it’s nutritional value by the time it’s finished processing.
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Rather than looking for nutrients listed on the packaging of processed foods, you can get all the vitamins, minerals, protein and essential fatty acids you need by eating a diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory foods - dark leafy greens, beets, cruciferous vegetables, berries, spices, herbs, coconut, fatty fish, chia seeds and flax seeds.
Over the last four years I’ve added many of these foods to my diet and it has dramatically changed how I feel - no more chronic pain and migraines! Don’t make your body wait any longer. Make today the first day of your journey on an anti-inflammatory, WFD. It could change your life too.