100 A Day to B Strong Fitness Challenge: Day 12


This total body workout is a fun one - you increase the # of reps you’re doing by 5 each time you start a new exercise: 5, 10, 15, 20... repeat.. then you’re done!

  • Gorilla hops are a pretty advanced movement. I broke it all down for you underneath the demo vid - so scroll down to check that out to make sure your form is on point.. or to learn how to modify ;-)
  • Prisoner squats are... “fun”.. HA! With these you never stand up all the way until you’ve completed your set. You start in a squat position, then kneel back from there. Then when you step your feet forward to stand again, you keep your hips down in a squat position. Yeah. It’s suppose to burn like that ;-)
  • Frog jumps are a jumping sumo squat. Make sure you keep your chest upright, especially when you reach for the floor! If touching the floor means you have to round your back, don’t actually touch the floor - just get as low as you can with a straight spine!
  • Curtsy lunges are kinda your active recovery for this mini sweat sesh.. the big thing with these - in addition to proper posture - is to swing your leg back at an angle. It should move diagonally back, not directly sideways, so that your front foot stays flat [don’t let that heel lift] & there’s a gap between your back thigh & front calf. You don’t want them to actually touch like in a real curtsy!

Ok, so here's the deal with Gorilla Hops: 1st off, if jumping is no good for your joints/back, walking your feet forward & backward is a perfectly good modification! Whether you’re walking or jumping, here’s everything you need to keep in mind in order to nail the correct form:

  • when you bring your feet forward, they should land just outside of their respective hands so that, essentially, your feet & hands are all in 1 straight line with both hands inside of your feet. [You should be squatting like a gorilla. Ya know.. like the name ;-)]
  • your feet should be flat & beside your hands when you’re squatting! Landing on your toes/lifting your heels is not amazing for your joints & doesn’t allow you to ease into the squat in a way that opens up your hips - which is what we’re going for
  • when you land in a squat, keep your legs engaged! Don’t let your butt just fall toward your heels. If you’re keeping your heels down so your feet stay flat you should already be doing this though ;-)
  • keep your lats engaged! If your neck is disappearing every time you’re jumping, you’re not as in control of the movement & things are more likely to go haywire. Go back to Day 3 to learn more about proper lat engagement if you’re unfamiliar
  • when you walk or jump your feet back to a plank position, nail that proper plank! Especially if you’re jumping - don’t let your hips jolt/sag downward. Your back will not love that.. and your core isn’t being worked to it’s full potential

That’s it, y’all! Time to get WILD!!