Grip Your Weights!!



Did you know that failing to grip your weights properly at worst could land you with pain in your elbows/wrists/shoulders & at best could leave you with weak grip strength, (something that’s essential for our independence as we age)?

Check out this video to make sure you avoid these bad habits.

You’re only as strong as your weakest link.. & lemme tell you - it’s annoying when you’re tryin’a do a lower body lift & all you feel are your forearms burning.. [A sign that our grip is the weakest link.. aka can’t support the amount of weight our legs can move.] It’s also super annoying to do an upper body lift & end up with wrist/elbow/shoulder pain.. but that can easily happen if we aren’t gripping our weights properly because the muscles that are suppose to support those joints... aren’t.

Simple adjustment. Significant effects. And bonus: in time, your hands & wrists will be stronger for it!