Let Me Bust A Fat Loss Myth Real Quick



Ab workouts DO NOT burn belly fat.

Cycling workouts don’t burn off fat in our thighs.

Boxing won’t burn fat in our arms.

You get where I’m going with this… It’s called “spot reduction” and it’s a myth that’s looong been busted.


So long as our hormones are in check, a calorie deficit [created by diet and/or exercise] will lead to fat loss - but we cannot decide where on our body we’ll lose the fat from. The [irritating] truth is that it’s random and uncontrollable [though genetics will sometimes give us an idea of what to expect].

Especially with the New Year approaching, it’s important to know that advertisements that promise their supplement/tea/program/whatever is guaranteed to reduce fat mass in a specific area of the body are banking on you not knowing that spot reduction is a myth. [That’s my respectful way of saying they’re lying to you in an effort to make a profit off of you.]

BEWARE of who you buy from & take advice from. Make sure the “experts” you’re listening to are truly qualified and have your best interests in mind. If you ever have any questions or would like some help discerning the legit from the scams I’m happy to help!

Keep your wits about you out there, folks!