Pop A Squat [the right way]!


First, know that movement should build a stronger, more resilient body - not break it down. Squats very well could help you overcome aches & pains like knee/hip/back tension... OR they could exacerbate those kinds of issues [or even create them]. It all comes down to your movement patterns - your form.

Movement should build a stronger, more resilient body - not break it down.

Movement should build a stronger, more resilient body - not break it down.

The 2 most important things that create a solid foundation when squatting are 1. engaging your core; and 2. hinging your hips. Once you’ve nailed those, you wanna check in with 2 more things: 1. your feet; and 2. your knees. Here’s what you want to confirm:


  1. heels stay connected to the ground through the entire movement

  2. your weight is evenly distributed through all 10 toes and both heels - not settling all into your arches/big toes or the outer edge/little toes

  3. you push your heels into the ground to use your glutes to stand up *while keeping all 10 toes connected*


  1. don’t bow out wider than hips OR collapse inward closer than hips 

  2. don’t poke forward - instead, the booty pokes backward [*cough* you know, hinge your hips ;-)]

Here’s a video that sums it all up!

It bears repeating: movement should build a stronger, more resilient body - not break it down!! So shoot me an email if you need some guidance!