Why Did I Decide To Add CBD Products To My Wellness Routine?

Did You Know Our Body Has An Endocannabinoid System?!

Image from Weedmaps.com

The endocannabinoid system (“ECS”) plays a critical role in our survival. According to this Harvard article, it helps to regulate and control “many of our most critical bodily functions…” like:

  • learning and memory

  • emotional processing

  • sleep

  • temperature control

  • pain control

  • inflammatory responses

  • immune responses

  • eating

Image from Leafly.com

Within the ECS are tons of cannabinoid receptors. As you can see in the image above, they’re located mostly within our brain and around our spine, which explains why the ECS interacts with and influences our central nervous system. It does so in an effort to maintain or restore homeostasis - physiological balance within our body.

Our body naturally produces cannabinoids (“endocannabinoids”) that stimulate these receptors - the 2 most common being anandamide and 2-AG. The plant produces it’s own unique cannabinoids (“phytocannabinoids”) that stimulate those same receptors.

Different cannabinoids do different things, and our body can benefit significantly from the unique cannabinoids that are produced only by the plant.

You’ve probably heard of THC and CBD. They’re the most famous of the cannabinoids the plant creates, but there are many more! So stay tuned to learn more about the different types of phytocannabinoids and what they can do for our body.

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