B Strong Greatest HIITs 2017: Landmine Reverse Lunge + Row & Lateral Hop Drill

DAY 13!

You'll strengthen your legs and back, challenge your core, and your heart rate will jump sky high by the end of this total body HIIT circuit using the landmine! Bar too heavy? Use a dumbbell! Bar too light? Throw a plate on there!

Here's the drill:
A. Landmine Reverse Deep Lunge + 1 Arm Row - 30sec
B. Same Thing, Other Side - 30sec
C. Lateral Hops Over Bar - 30sec
D. Rest - 30sec
Complete 3-5 rounds.

[Landmine Reverse Deep Lunge + Row]
- Holding the bar in your left hand, step your left leg back to a deep lunge, [left leg is straight, right knee bends to deep angle, place right hand on thigh to stabilize spine for the row]. 
- Perform a single row with your left arm, pulling your elbow back toward the ceiling.
- Drive through your right heel as you step your left foot forward and back beside your right foot.
- Repeat for 30sec
- Switch sides & repeat for 30sec rowing with right arm & stepping right foot back to deep lunge.
[Lateral Hops Over Bar]
- Stay light on your feet.
- Take it slow so you don't land on the bar and do bad things to your ankles!
- Do a couple extra hops before you go back up and over until you feel confident jumping over the bar.
- As you can see in the video, after doing extra hops the first few jumps, I don't need to anymore because I've gauged it and feel more confident about going side to side consistently.

Send this to your workout buddy so they have a heads up for what's coming their way your next trip to the gym! Questions? Reach out by clicking on the contact tab above, or on IG/TW/FB @cassiebstrong!

B Strong!

Cassie B.

B Strong Greatest HIITs 2017: Battle Rope Butterflies + Bench Up & Over Burpee Drill

DAY 11! Give this drill a go to increase strength and power in your shoulders and improve stability in your shoulders, knees & ankles. This EMOM Battle Rope drill doesn't exactly spike your heart rate in the way Days 1 & 6 do, purely because it's bigger, more power-focused movements that are difficult to speed up, [if you got baby rear-delts like me ;-)], but it's a great finisher when you want to burn out your shoulders and keep your heart rate up too!

Here's what it is: an EMOM. "Every Minute On the Minute" you have a task to complete. Once you complete that task, you rest the remaining seconds in the minute. So, the harder you work & the faster you get it done, the more rest time you've earned yourself ;-)

Here are your tasks: ODD minutes = 30 Battle Rope Butterflies. EVEN minutes = 10 Cross Over Step Up & Overs to Burpees. Perform for 8-12 minutes; 4-6 rounds per movement.

[Battle Rope Butterflies]
- Pinch your shoulder blades together and externally rotate your shoulders as you quickly pull your arms open to the side.
- Once arms are completely open, relax and let hands fall back toward each other, but don't forcefully whip your hands toward each other, [if they hit it won't feel good!].
- Keep your shoulders pulled down away from your ears and your lats engaged through the entire set.
[Bench Step Up & Over + Burpee]
- If bench is on your right side, step your left foot across and onto the bench and vice versa.
- Fully extend your leg once you step onto the bench and before you step down off the bench.
- Drive through the heel of your foot that you step onto the bench as you stand up.

How many reps did it take for you to start feeling the butterflies?! They sneak up on you don't they? ;-) Tell me on IG/TW/FB @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.