Get More Flexible... By Lifting Weights?? YES!



Believe it or not, strength training can be an amazing tool for reducing tension and making our body more bendy!! Members of the B Strong Fit Clubs know I preach about exercises that “strengthen AND lengthen” all. the. time. hahaha

YUP! With each rep, our muscles lengthen and contract. And certain exercises in particular, [when done correctly], reeeeally stretch our muscle fibers between each contraction.

Here’s an example: the sumo squat I’m doing in the photo lengthens the inners thighs and opens up the hips - which can ultimately alleviate lower back tension! [I demonstrate several more exercises with similar benefits in this 30sec video.]

Sometimes I fear people suffering from “tight” muscles assume lifting will only make it worse, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! And I’m definitely not saying you never need to stretch again lol. Just that you can multitask! Always, always reach out if you have any questions!