B Strong, Build Stability: Gliding Hips, Thighs & Oblique Burner

Gliding is one of the best, (and most challenging!), ways to challenge your stability. You can turn the simplest movements into a a total body challenge that leaves you dripping sweat... just like this video does ;-) I'll love this combo, because it targets the muscles that stabilize your knee, (your abductors & adductors), and then stretches them out while you work your obliques!! If you know me, you know I value mobility just as much as I value strength, because having both is what makes you "fit" :-)

If you don't have a LYNX Board, you can use gliders, and if you don't have gliders, you can use hand towels on a smooth floor.

Here's the series:
A. Alternate between 1 gliding curtsy lunge & 1 squat jack (Perform 10 w/ 1 leg, then do 10 w/ the other)
B. Low Plank Sweeping Hip Abduction (Again, 10/side)
Resting as little as possible, alternate between A & B until you've completed 2-4 sets.

[Gliding Curtsy Lunge]
- Your back leg glides diagonally behind you as you bend both knees **equally** to 90 degree angles
- Keep your core tight and engage your glutes to actively tuck your pelvis so that it doesn't tilt forward (which could strain your hip flexor and arch your lower back)
- At the bottom of the lunge, your weight is in the heel of your front foot and only your toes of your back foot are on the glider
- Also, your back shin is parallel to the floor & your front knee shouldn't pass the tip of your toe
- As you stand, drive through your front heel and squeeze that glute
[Gliding Squat Jack]
***Make sure ONLY your toes are on the gliders. Your heels are your "break system"... if you can't stop yourself w/ your heels, you're looking at the possibility of doing a split!! OUCH***
- Slide both feet apart at the same time
- When your feet are the proper width for a squat, drop your heels ("put on the breaks") & bend your knees so you land in a squat
- Then drive both feet firmly into the ground as you straighten your legs, lift your heels and squeeze your legs together like you're zipping them up
- I find to get in a rhythm that I just leave my heels lifted when my feet come together
***Basically act like your trying to "jump" your feet to a squat & together without ever letting your toes leave the floor
[Gliding Low Plank Hip Abduction]
- Low Plank = on forearms with shoulders directly over elbows
- 1 foot is on a glider, the other on the floor
- The foot on the glider, w/ a straight leg, glides sideways and upwards as far as you can w/out your knee bending
- Squeeze your glutes together and pull your belly in tight to avoid letting your pelvis tilt forward and your lower back to arch - that's risky for your groin!!
- If you're adductor, (inner thigh), is tight, you'll get a bonus stretch here!

Doesn't get much better than Legs & Abs does it?! Tell me how you like it on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

B Strong, Build Stability: Balance Board Hamstring & Glute Burner

Have you played on a balance board before?! It's fun, it's addicting, and it wears you out SO much faster than you'd guess. For this exercise, I'm using the rocker base underneath the board. Try this exercise to build stability in your hips and pelvis while strengthening your glutes and hamstrings. If you sit a lot, chances are you need to strengthen those muscles!

Here's the exercise:
- Feet on the board, lift hips to glute bridge.
- Be sure to push equally with each foot as you do the bridge so that neither side of the board taps the floor.
- Once your hips are lifted, hold a static glute bridge as you push 1 foot downward so the board taps the floor 3x.
- Again, push equally with each foot so neither side of the board touches the floor, then lower and lift your hips to the glute bridge again, then do the 3 taps with the other foot.
- When your hips lower toward the floor, they can touch the floor, but don't let them rest there.
- Be sure to keep your belly pulled super tight once your hips are lifted so your lower back doesn't arch as you tap the floor.

Perform 10-20 reps, (that means each foot will do the taps 5-10x), for 2-4 sets, with 30-60sec rest between sets. Or you can incorporate this movement into a circuit!

How do those hamstrings feel?! Tell me on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

Hump Day Booty Move: Resisted Walks & Squats

This movement series from this month's B Strong Body Fix will target your hips, thighs and booty from every angle! 2 steps forward and wide, 2 steps back and together, repeat, 2 squat jacks; 2 steps back and wide, 2 steps front and together, repeat, 2 squat jacks.

Perform this exercise series 45-90 seconds for 3-5 rounds.

Notes on form:
- Soften (slightly bend) your knees during the steps front and back.
- Hinge your hips slightly (keeping a straight spine and shoulders pulled back, reach your butt a few inches back and your head a few inches forward).
- Pull your belly in super tight and pull your shoulders firmly away from your ears.
- As you fatigue, pull your belly in tighter so your lower back doesn't strain.
- You should NOT feel a lot of tension in your lower back. If you are, check your posture and form, or don't perform the intervals as long.
- During the squat jacks, keep your spine straight and belly tight, and try to drop your hips below your knees (it feels really good, so do yourself a favor and drop it low!!).

How many days did you feel this after you did it?! Tell me on IG/TW: @cassiebstrong #BStrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

Hump Day Booty Move: Resisted Clams

If you're a person who sits all day at work and/or suffers from lower back pain regularly, this exercise - which can be done without the resistance band! - should be a staple in your regimen. This movement strengthens the top of your booty, your gluteus medius and minimus, which help support your lower spine. So while my fierce females may do this more regularly, the fellas need to consider this exercise too. It can save you a lot of pain in the long run! It can also make you a beast when you hit the squat rack - if you're into that :)

As you can see, I finished out my set by picking up the pace of my last few reps. That's optional. You can keep the slow pace, just do a quick pace, or do like I did and perform your reps half controlled, half quick.

Notes on form:
- Lay on side with knees in 90 degree angle. Be sure your feet are pulled forward and not tucked way back under your thighs.
- The hip you're moving should stay stacked directly on top of the hip you're laying on. Be sure that top hip doesn't rock back and forth with the movement of your knee.
- Your feet stay together for the entire movement.

Perform 10-20 reps at a time, on each side, for 2-4 sets.

You can do higher reps and more sets your first time doing this - if you're not using a band. If you're trying this for the first time with a band, keep your reps low, or do less sets, so you can see how your body responds - you may end up more sore than you'd anticipate!

Let me know how many reps you got done before you started to feel the burn on IG/TW @cassiebstrong #BStrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

Hump Day Booty Move: Glider Leg Sweep & Leg Lift Combo

Try this movement to warm-up on Leg Day. You'll work your hips, thighs and abs, develop your flexibility in your hips and improve your balance. It definitely does challenge your coordination - so it may test your patience too ;)

Notes on form:
- Standing leg knee is slightly bent with hips hinged back (knee should not reach past toe of standing foot).
- Sweeping leg remains straight through entire movement, including lifts in front and back.
- Single leg hip hinge (leg lift back); maintain straight spine. A straight line should run from the top of your head all the way to your foot.
- Hip flexion (leg lift front); maintain straight spine, squeeze lower belly tight and lock out knee by squeezing quad.

Perform this movement for 45-90sec on each side for 3-4 sets.

Did you master this on your first try?! Let me know on IG/TW: @cassiebstrong #BStrong.

B Strong,

Cassie B.