B Strong Greatest HIITs 2017: [At Home] Leg Burner

DAY 5!

Here's a KILLER equipment-free Leg Day finisher, or a great drill to do at home when you're pressed for time.

Here's the drill:
20sec/movement = 1min/round.
No rest between rounds.
A. Modified Prisoner Squats
B. Alternating Squat & Lunge Jumps
C. High Knees.
Perform 3-5 rounds; that's 3-5min of work!

Oh & fair warning... it's gonna burn  ;-)

Notes on form:
[A. Modified Prisoner Squats]
- Aim to keep a 90 degree angle in your knees at all times - you never stand up!
- When you step your foot back, aim to land it directly in line with your hip. Avoid crossing that foot back behind your other foot - that's a curtsy lunge - save it for another day ;-)
- When you step your foot forward and into the squat position, keep your weight loaded in the heels of both feet and evenly between your feet.
- Suck that lower belly in super tight the whole time to support your lower back.
[B. Alternating Squat & Lunge Jumps]
- The same notes about foot position and were your weight should land from A apply here!
- Now you CAN straighten your legs!! BUT only when your feet are off the floor. So, if you're not squatting or lunging, you're jumping... and if you're not jumping, you're squatting or lunging. Hurts just to read, huh? ;-)
- Land soft! It'll engage and challenge your core way more, AND your joints will love you for it.
[C. High Knees]
- Stay up on your toes.
- Get your knees as high as your belly button!
- SPRINT! Move as fast as you possibly can! (The faster you pump your arms, the faster your feet will follow).

How many rounds did you accomplish your 1st attempt?! Tell me on IG/TW/FB @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

B Strong Greatest HIITs 2017: Landmine Squat + Twist Press & Core Work Drill

DAY 3! Improve your leg, core and shoulder strength with this Landmine circuit that will ramp up your heart rate and create a serious fat burn!

Here's the drill: 30 seconds per exercise with no rest between exercises. 30 seconds of rest between rounds of work.

Here's the exercises:
Landmine squat + 1 arm twist press [30 seconds per side]
Landmind Windmill core trainers [30 seconds]
= 90 seconds of total work
30 seconds of rest after completing a round
= 2 total minutes per round
Repeat for 3-5 rounds; 6-10 minutes.

[Squat + 1 Arm Twist Press]
- Focus on keeping hips square, spine straight, and shoulders locked down and back as you squat.
- Drive powerfully through both feet, with a focus on the foot that's underneath your pressing arm.
- Pivot the foot that's underneath your pressing arm to ensure your shoulders stay squared up with your hips.
[Windmill Core Trainers]
- Elbows are soft, but arms stay on the straighter side.
- This is an arching movement. Move the end of the bar from one hip, up and over your head, and down to the other hip.
- This movement is generated from your legs and hips!
- This movement is generated from your legs and hips!
- This movement is generated from your legs and hips!
- Similar to a KB swing, initiated the movement by driving your feet into the floor and thrusting your hips forward. It's just a lot more subtle than a KB swing.

Wish the bar were heavier? Add a plate on there!

How many rounds did you get through on your 1st attempt?! Tell me on IG/TW/FB @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

B Strong Greatest HIITs 2017: Kettlebell High Pull + Inch Worm + Push-up

Try this kettlebell high pull & inch worm push-up combo to develop power in your legs, strength in your legs, chest, triceps & shoulders, & stability in your core and shoulder joints. You're engaging your entire body with every rep, which is more demanding metabolically [you'll burn a TON of calories!].

This total body exercise can be done in intervals for time [60-90sec work; 15-30sec rest; 3-5 rounds], or you can count reps [10-15 reps; 3-5 sets] - either way, I'd recommend including this in a total body circuit of 3+ exercises.

- I bend my knees JUST enough to grab the handle, (my elbows are NOT bent), then I drive my feet into the floor as quickly and as hard as I can to give the KB the momentum to fly up off the ground. 
- My arms don't really come into play until the bell is headed toward my jaw and I stop that sucker right below my chin. 
- Then, my arms control the bell on the way down so that it doesn't jolt my shoulder & elbow joints. 
- When I walk my hands back to my feet from my push-up, I take my time resetting my starting squat position for my high pull, (ensuring my booty is lower than my head & my spine is straight), so I don't jack up my back.

Not new to the high pull?? GO HEAVY, bro! Movements like that help you run faster, jump higher, oh & give you a firm, round booty  - if you're into that sorta thing ;-)

How many reps & sets did you get your 1st attempt?! Tell me on IG/TW/FB @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

Hump Day Booty Move: Walking Lunge + Single Leg Hip Hinge

This is one of my favorite dynamic exercises to warm up my body for a workout! It activates the glutes, lengthens the hamstrings, engages the core and helps the body find balance

You'll alternate sides with every rep, so perform this exercise until you've done 10-15 reps per side (20-30 total), for 3-5 sets.

Notes on form:
- When you pull your knee up toward your chest, squeeze your abs tight like you're doing a crunch.
- As you step forward, make sure you're reaching your leg so that you step into your heel first.
- Bend both knees equally until your back knee is an inch off the floor.
- Drive through the heel of your front foot as you power yourself up to standing and squeeze that glute to keep your balance.

How many reps and sets did it take for you to break a sweat?! Tell me on IG/TW: @cassiebstrong #BStrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.

Hump Day Booty Move: Gliding Lunge & Squat Combo

Some of you may remember this gem from BFX Burn last week! Grab gliders, paper plates, or small towels to put under the ball of each foot, (keep your heels on the floor as your "brake" system!), and do this movement series to work your thighs and booty from every angle!

Perform 10-15 reps on each side for 3-4 sets.

Notes on form:
[Lateral lunge]
- 1 knee bends; the knee of the sliding leg stays straight
- Keep all your weight in the heel of your standing leg and reach your bum backward as your chest lowers down toward your knee ("hinge your hips")
- Keep your spine straight and pull your shoulders down away from your ears to support your back
- Keep all your weight in your standing leg... you'll feel like you're going to pull your groin if you're letting weight shift into your gliding leg.
[Curtsy Lunge]
- Both knees bend to 90 degree angles; even the foot that crosses back
- Leg that crosses back does NOT tuck under front leg. Your knee is directly under your hips, not under your front thigh.
- Keep your spine straight and your chest upright through entire movement.
[Squat Jack]
- This is a plyometric ("explosive") exercise when done on the gliders. If you move too slowly you'll struggle with getting your feet to glide.
- Lift your heels so your toes are free to glide.
- Drop your heels as you bend your knees to your squat position, (don't forget this part or you'll end up in a split!).
- Keep your belly super tight so that the muscles stabilizing your pelvis stay supported and less vulnerable to injury.

How many reps did you get through on each side before you felt it? Were you surprised?! Tell me on IG/TW: @cassiebstrong #BStrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.