I think my fellow New Englanders will agree - this time of year can be draining. The dark mornings and gray days often leave us feeling tired and worn out. That's why it's important to have a variety of strategies to use when you need an extra pick me up. Finding things that energize you can be challenging, but by making an effort to be more conscientious about how your lifestyle choices affect your mood, it's possible to develop an understanding of what foods and activities best elevate your spirits.
“Eat whole foods that will nourish your body, make time for activities that will nourish your soul, and you’ll create a body and life that’s not fit to host any seasonal blues!”
When we're feeling 'blah' it's easy to forget that the choices we make everyday play a big role in how we feel. Movement is important for our digestion, circulation and respiratory health. We already know staying active is a huge component of any healthy, happy lifestyle, but so isn't your diet. Don't turn to sugary snacks to temporarily boost your mood. It's difficult to feel inspired and happy when your body is struggling to function on chemical, artificial and toxic "foods". Sugar can give you a high and make you feel energized in the short term, but as soon as your blood sugar levels fall, your mood will plummet too. Instead, eat plenty of cooked, nutritious foods throughout the winter, seasoned with warming spices, like cinnamon, cayenne and ginger, that promote easy, comfortable digestion. And when the sun is actually out, be sure to get out and soak that Vitamin D up! This is an easy, effortless way to boost your mood.
Taking time this season to restore and renew may be more vital than any other time of the year. Eat whole foods that will nourish your body, make time for activities that will nourish your soul, and you'll create a body and life that's not fit to host any seasonal blues!
B Well,
Momma B.