Momma B: Chew On This

Are you chewing your food or are you inhaling it? Did you know that chewing your food is just as important as the food you are eating?  Digestion begins in your mouth. When you don’t take the time to chew your food properly, your body won't digest as efficiently and you may experience all kinds of discomfort. The digestive enzymes found in your saliva begin the process of breaking the food you eat down, and preparing the nutrients for absorption. Chewing your food thoroughly is important for the maximum absorption of all the vitamins and minerals present in the foods you eat. When your food isn’t properly broken down, it can remain undigested and cause gas, bloating and indigestion. 

On average, most of us are only chewing each bite 8-10 times. This is not enough! We need to chew each bite at least 30 times.  This may sound like a lot, but the benefits you will get from one simple act is worth the extra time. This can help aid your digestion, boost nutrient absorption and help you maintain a healthy weight.

Aren't sure whether or not you're chewing enough? Start paying attention next time you eat to how many chews you do before you swallow. If you're far below 30 chews, make changes slowly: increase by 5 chews until you reach 30 for each bite. 

Here are more tips to help you improve your digestion by chewing:

- Put your fork down between bites. This way you don’t put more in your mouth while you're already chewing.

- Savor each bite. It's worth it! The more we chew the sweeter our food becomes.

- Turn off the TV and put away other electronics. Just focus on what you're eating. 

- Be kind to yourself! Creating new habits takes time. As long as you're not using your fork as a shovel, you're making progress :)

Maple Coconut Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats are where it's at. These babies save me on the days I wake up at 4:30am, when getting dressed and walking Tucker before 5:00am are a grand feat. Then I make my mug of warm lemon water, (if you missed why I'm obsessed with that, read here), throw berries on top of my oats, kiss and squeeze Tucker until I can't deal with anymore guilt, and I'm out the door. All because my breakfast was prepped the night before.

It's too healthy and too tasty not to get excited about, so go ahead and brag! Post it on Instagram, you health nut, breakfast freak - just tag me @cassiebstrong. Oh, and #BWell #EatYourWellness. See what I did there? I don't eat my feelings, I eat my wellness. Clever.

Anyway... Pour the following ingredients into a mason jar, (or glass tupperware), in this order:

1/2c. Rolled Oats

1 tsp. Cinnamon

1c. Coconut Milk (any variety of milk is fine!)

1 tbsp. chia seeds (optional)

2 tbsp. Coconut Flakes

2 tbsp. Maple Syrup

Don't mix it! Just refrigerate overnight.

On your way out the door: Throw berries or fruit of your choice on top! (I love blackberries.)

Chow time: Mix it all together and bask in the glory of the easiness, healthiness, and yumminess of your breakfast!

B Well,

Cassie B.