“Rather than following a diet that focuses on what you need to restrict, adopt one that encourages adding in as many good foods as you can. ”
An example of crowding out is choosing to snack on nuts and berries instead of the granola bar you'd usually grab and take on the go. This will give your body more protein and nutrients, less sugar, and keep you full for longer.
Momma B:
If you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle, but find yourself overwhelmed, try what professionals in the Nutrition field call “crowding out”! I learned about crowding out in my training at IIN. After years of living with chronic headaches and migraines, and trying many different prescriptions, this was the first way that I successfully controlled my condition. The concept is so simple – rather than following a diet that focuses on what you need to restrict, adopt one that encourages adding in as many nutritious foods as you can.
The great thing about this "diet" is that you don't need to purchase anything to prepare, so you can start today by making one simple change! A great example is: always having a bottle of water with you. As you focus on filling and nourishing your body with water, you will find that you have less room for other options and begin “crowding out” the other beverages you habitually consume.
Be kind to yourself though. It takes time to break habits and adjust your routine. Don’t give up if you have a day that you don’t drink enough water, just get it back into focus the next day. Before you know it, your new routine will be your norm!