As I mentioned in last week’s post “Why Did I Decide To Add CBD Products To My Wellness Routine?”, both CBD and THC are cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant - “phytocannabinoids” - and both interact with our body’s Endocannabinoid System - “ECS”.

image from Weedmaps.com

CBD and THC differ in:

  1. How they interact with the ECS.

  2. The effects they ultimately have on the body.

The most “obvious” difference - and the one that’s usually focused on the most - is that THC is responsible for the “high” we associate with consuming cannabis. CBD, on the other hand, does not have intoxicating psychoactive effects.

CBD does not make you “high”.

While that’s the difference people tend to focus on, they each have their own unique effects that can be valuable to our overall health and wellness.


Can help with things like:

  • pain management

  • insomnia

  • nausea

  • lack of appetite


Can help with things like:

  • inflammation

  • mental health (depression, anxiety and PTSD specifically)

  • seizures

  • relaxation

You’ll see a lot of warnings out there that research doesn’t support these claims, but it’s important to keep in mind that studying “the plant” has long been restricted, leaving us with mostly anecdotal evidence - people’s personal experiences - to learn from.

We still have so much to learn, but there are so many encouraging stories out there!

That said, buyer beware! Not all products are created equal. Quality matters, so research your sources - how they grow the plant, how they produce their product, and how they ensure consistency and quality control. Buy only from brands with integrity and that you know you can trust!

Watch and share my 60sec video recap of this information on Facebook and Instagram!