If your heart is hurting - whether it be from emotional heartbreak or from cardiovascular health issues - exercise can help you and your heart feel stronger and more resilient. When we’re grieving, partaking in regular exercise can be an affective coping mechanism. Not only does it put powerful emotions to use in a positive way - [punching a boxing bag instead of your ex’s new fling is definitely ideal] - but regular exercise helps us consistently realize and appreciate our true strength. We learn that, with persistence, we build strength, and in turn, our challenges become easier. In addition to helping us cope with life’s struggles and improving our emotional strength, exercise can both prevent heart disease and reverse symptoms of it. In fact, regular exercise, [at least 150 minutes per week; that’s 30 minutes x 5 days a week or 45-60 minutes x 3-4 days per week], can reduce our chances of suffering a cardiac event in our lifetime by 30-40%! That’s HUGE! With heart disease being one of the leading causes of death in this country, [USA], simply adopting the habit of exercising just 30-minutes per day could help us avoid the fate of so many other Americans. So do yourself and your heart a favor and make it a priority to move more - you most definitely won’t regret it.