B Strong Greatest HIITs: At-Home Planks & Plyos

Some of you may recognize this gem from B Strong Body Fix ;-) I love it because it's quick, challenging, and doesn't require any equipment - that means NO EXCUSES!

Here's the series:
A. 4 Plank Jacks + 2 Oblique Crunches
B. Broad Jump + 180 Jump] x 2 + 4 Suicides
**Perform each movement for 30sec.
***Alternate between the 2 w/ no rest between for 3-5 rounds.

Notes on form:
[Plank Jacks & Crunches]
- Engage your lats by pulling shoulders away from ears (the opposite of shrugging your shoulders)
- Squeeze your belly and your glutes tight and keep your hips square to the floor - no hip should be closer to the floor than the other at any time!
[Broad Jumps]
- Start with a hip hinge! Stick that booty back, reach your arms back behind you, and keep your spine neutral, then thrust your hips forward, throw your arms forward and jump as big as you can!
- Land softly, bending your knees to minimize the impact on your joints
- Keep your body centered - your legs move side to side, your center of gravity pretty much stays put
- Keep a neutral spine - it's more important that your back is straight than it is that you touch the floor
- Stay light on your feet and make sure to bend the knee of your standing leg!

Which part do you like better - A or B?! Tell me on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong!

B Strong,

Cassie B.