B Strong, Build Stability: Bum Burning Warm-up

People are learning more and more about glute activation & are beginning to realize that our sedentary lifestyle, [sitting still a lot], is creating a disconnect in our body. If a muscle group isn't firing, your body must resort to using a different muscle group to get the job done, which is often why people feel pain in unexpected places while working out - like their back when they wish to work their lower body, or their neck when they want to strengthen their core. This series here is a warm-up that I often use with clients before they get after a challenging glute workout. I'm using a medium resistance band in the video. Of course, adjust the resistance depending on your level of strength, but be warned that these work up a serious burn VERY quick!

Here's the circuit:
A. Mini Band Lateral Walks [10 each way]
B. Mini Band Zig Zag Walks [10 each way]
C. Mini Band Slow Squats [10x]

[Mini Band Lateral Walks]
- Begin with band around ankles & a slight hip hinge: spine straight, belly pulled tight, lats firmly engaged, hips reaching back slightly, head & neck reaching forward slightly, knees slightly bent
- Continuously squeeze your glutes, lower belly & lats tight to support your spine
- Keeping your knees bent, take small steps side & together while always keeping tension in the band
[Mini Band Zig Zag Walks]
- Begin with band around ankles & a slight hip hinge: spine straight, belly pulled tight, lats firmly engaged, hips reaching back slightly, head & neck reaching forward slightly, knees slightly bent
- Continuously squeeze your glutes, lower belly & lats tight to support your spine
- Keeping your knees bent, take small, diagonal steps forward & together or backward & together while always keeping tension in the band
[Mini Band Slow Squats]
- Begin with band around thighs, [6-10in above knees], & with feet pointing straight forward, slightly wider than hip width
- Count down from 3 as you hip hinge & squat, hold for 3 counts at the bottom of the squat, count to 3 as you stand back up & squeeze your glutes as tight as you can
- As you squat, you'll feel the band creating tension that wants to pull your legs closer together; your focus is to stop that from happening & press your knees apart to keep them directly over your ankles

Did you make it through the entire 1st round without feeling the burn? Use a heavier resistance band! Give this warm-up a try, tell me how the rest of your workout went on FB/IG/TW @cassiebstrong! Did you feel stronger & more stable?!

B Strong,

Cassie B.