100 A Day to B Strong Fitness Challenge: Day 17

It's Day 17!!
Switch lunge jumps are on the menu, which means your legs are bout ta BURNNN!

Now, 1 week ago, on Day 10, I wrote up a whole checklist of tips for proper form when it comes to lunges. All of that applies here each & every time you land in a lunge. So go back to Day 10 & read over that list if you need a refresher! And now that we’re jumping remember that:

  • you’re moving straight up & down - moving forward as you jump may feel natural, but it’ll likely throw off your alignment
  • when you land, immediately start bending your knees to return to a lunge again so that your joints don’t take a beating
  • jump just high enough to scissor your legs in the air. There’s no need to be a hero! The higher you go, the harder you’ll land - which isn’t exactly what our ankles, knees or hips need
  • also, when you land, bend each knee equally - to 90-degree angles - as we covered in Day 10’s post about lunges 😉

Alright!! Let’s get to work!