16 Reasons Why Strength Training Is Important


Strength training is the “magic pill” and the “fountain of youth”. Just 20 minutes 2 times per week could:

  1. improve cholesterol levels

  2. improve blood pressure levels

  3. build bone density

  4. improve balance

  5. decrease risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers

  6. increase insulin sensitivity (less risk of/better management of diabetes)

  7. prevent/manage chronic pain

  8. prevent/manage nagging aches and pains

  9. improve mobility (core and joint stability, flexibility, etc.)

  10. improve circulation

  11. improve mental health

  12. boost self-esteem

  13. slow/prevent cognitive decline

  14. decrease risk of injury

  15. lengthen lifespan

  16. improve overall quality of life

You don’t have to pursue bodybuilding or olympic lifting to enjoy these health benefits! While you may need a slightly more intense plan if your goal is to change your physique, just 20 minutes 2 times per week is enough to enjoy the benefits above. That’s why the Health B Strong Fit Club subscription is 2 strength workouts and one optional mat workout per week.

You may have noticed that everything I listed above has nothing to do with peoples’ weight or physique, but consistent strength training is also great for weight maintenance and body recomposition (building muscle mass and shedding fat mass). I would probably sell more programs if I started the post with that information, but my mission is to empower people with information that will help them improve their quality of life. Some amazing “before and after” transformations may happen as a byproduct of my work, but it’s just not my main focus - even if that’s what sells.

Whether you’re hoping to lose/gain weight, build a defined figure, or simply improve your health and quality of life, strength training should be part of your weekly routine. If you don’t know where to start, I’m here to help with subscription and custom programs on the B Strong App!