How To Use CBD For Better Sleep


Our sleep quality is the foundation of our health and wellness, yet many people struggle with:

  • falling asleep

  • staying asleep through the night

  • waking up exhausted despite sleeping all night

In my personal journey, the plant has been a game changer. Finding the right dose to ensure I slept through the night without feeling groggy in the morning took a little time, but now that I consistently get a great night’s sleep I can attest: it’s totally worth it.

While CBD is calming and relaxing, there are other plant cannabinoids and compounds that may actually be the key to catching Z’s. There’s so much to learn, but here’s what we know so far:


is great for calming the mind and body because it can help with:





is great for addressing discomfort in the body like:





THC breaks down into this cannabinoid as the plant ages and/or is exposed to light/heat. So while CBN isn’t abundant in the plant as it grows, the CBN content of the plant can increase due to environmental factors.

Many speculate that CBN, (another cannabinoid that, like CBD, doesn’t get you high), is the “sleep” cannabinoid. Research still needs to catch up, but there has been a study where they found that full spectrum products with a high CBN content did appear to improve people’s sleep quality. It could be that the CBN was directly responsible, or it could be that, due to the entourage effect, the CBN boosted the qualities of CBD and THC that help people sleep.

Per usual, the important thing is to stick to full or broad spectrum products that are made by a brand you trust. The Papa and Barkley Sleep products are my go-to. The higher CBN content helps me achieve a deep, restorative sleep, and the lower THC content doesn’t slow me down as I wake up in the morning. (For my body, when I use products with a higher THC content, I have to time them a little earlier in the evening so I don’t wake up groggy and slow-moving, but I can use the P&B Sleep products right before bed without worrying about that!)

Sleep-specific or not, once you find the right formula and dosage for your body, it could change your sleep and your life!

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